As you answered NO or NOT SURE… there are understandable reasons for that (you might think it is a women’s movement by and for women, you might think feminism is no longer needed nowadays, you might feel feminism paints men as the enemy, you might not know “how to” be a feminist man or other reasons).
And here is the other side of the argument.
Check out why men like you think Feminism is for men too and make up your own mind!
Do you accept the challenge? Just scroll down….
21/05/2021 10:49
By David - 33yo from United Kingdom
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Feminism shows that patriarchal ideas of what it means to be a man are not natural, inevitable and unchangeable. This provides a way to understand how harmful ideas impact on us, but also how our actions harm women and other folks in our lives.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Feminism enables men to decrease the harm they do to women, providing a pathway for more liberated, hurting relationships and connections. Feminsim also allows men to break down the oppressive narratives that create barriers to our health, growth and development.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
No, I grew up in a context where feminism was not viewed in a positive light. It was exposure to the harms of patriarchy in being done to women in my life that forced a realisation about the importance of femnism.
Are you a (pro-)feminist man? Together, let's increase visibility for why Feminism is for men too!
Share your perspective
and speak to your fellow men.
14/05/2021 13:30
By Jan - 34yo from Canada
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Feminism shows how violence is done to people, for example how men are taught to be emotionally incompetent through continued traumatic events.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Men need to get in touch with themselves, become able to fully connect, and have nonviolent tools to negotiate and communicate their needs.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
Yes, I always understood feminism as equality. Although my understanding has grown and hopefully will continue to grow.
08/05/2021 20:22
By Gabriele - 31yo from Italy
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Generally speaking, because it's morally just that all individuals, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and ethnicity be socially, lawfully, politically, economically, and existentially equal. Hence, Feminism is relavant to men as it is LGBT rights to heterosexuals or ethnic parity to white people.
More specifically, given the social status men hold in most intrisically gendered-biased societies, it is their moral duty to bring about change, from within, so that the above could come about.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Because by achieving gender parity, we will be finally pulling the plug on the old-fashionedly patriarchal representation of masculinity whereby a man has to be overly masculine to be regarded as such, one that prevents them men from being their true selves.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
Throughout history, we have seen women achieve success by mimicking masculine traits, think of Thatcher.
Being raised by a single mother, and seeing her having to make ends meet, alone, in such a gender-biased reality, where a woman has to be "strong" or have an "iron fist" to be able to achieve their goals, had me wonder, but above all, had me decide to be part of the change.
07/05/2021 21:07
By Rob - 33yo from United Kingdom
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Because we live in a world where gender is becoming less relevant. It is more about people as people rather than relying on the social confines that we have been fed.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Feminism benefits men as it ensures a level thought process and broad outlook rather than a straight laced Tory male outlook which has for far too long been the staple idea if masculinity. It allows a greater depth of feeling and ultimately greater freedom of expression.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
Raised by mother I knew no other mindset. It was more normal for me, thanks to her influence, only strange when I realised it wasn't the norm for all. It is easy to spy a narrow mind, and I am grateful that mine was broadened from a young age without any knowledge of it!
29/04/2021 18:09
By Alex - 63yo from Germany
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Under patriarchy we pretend only half the population is important. This is at best digging ones head in the sand and at worst keeping half the population from maximising their full potential without understanding the cost of this to everyone. How absurd! We are all connected through our hearts and minds. I am not sure how relevant gender needs to be in the equation. Feminism is the door to inclusion for all.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Under patriarchy men live with privileges they haven’t necessarily earned. Knowing this makes us defensive, angry and dishonest. Not knowing this makes us simply ignorant and self deceiving. Feminism is a wake up call to men to be more self aware, more honest and more inclusive. And for men it will be a release from a dishonest burden they carry.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I never really engaged with the stereotypical ‘men’s’ world growing up. And besides isn’t this simply common sense?