As you answered NO or NOT SURE… there are understandable reasons for that (you might think it is a women’s movement by and for women, you might think feminism is no longer needed nowadays, you might feel feminism paints men as the enemy, you might not know “how to” be a feminist man or other reasons).
And here is the other side of the argument.
Check out why men like you think Feminism is for men too and make up your own mind!
Do you accept the challenge? Just scroll down….
28/01/2021 17:20
By Michael - 51yo from Germany
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
How could it not? I have learned - many years ago - Feminism is the first step to liberate the men.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
While we are reflecting the role of women in our world, we change our own position. We need to walk away from a toxic masculinity. But I believe this only is possible if we work together to create a world of humans not of Sexes.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
May be be I have the advantage of been growing up in a family with strong women. So the surprise was, that there is outside a world, where it´s not normal. This made me a feminist.
28/01/2021 01:02
By Aaron - 35yo from Canada
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Women make up literally half the planet. To pretend that the rights and opportunities of half of humanity doesn't affect men is absurd. When women thrive, we all thrive.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Women have different lived experiences than men, and when they bring those experiences and perspectives into the workplace, or the boardroom, or centres of government, it broadens that organization's capacity for creativity and problem-solving. Feminism means you're more likely to actually get the "best" people in a role, which benefits everyone. Women leaders and politicians are also more likely to promote progressive values, which benefit everyone.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I've always considered myself someone that believed that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men. Over the past few years, I've gained a deeper appreciation for the ways in which that's not the case. This has mostly been due to following to feminist women on social media, listening to their stories and exposing myself to different viewpoints.
26/01/2021 17:28
By Alvaro - 37yo from Spain
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Equality is a general topic that concerns everyone. Every of us have mothers, sisters, girlfriends or wives that suffered some kind of discrimination due to her gender. Expecting them to be treated exactly as men should be a global goal.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
The gender - equality concerns everyone in the society. Feminism makes us think how unfair the situation was and continue being for women in certain areas and behaviours, putting on her shoes, and leaving behind the historical granted and wrong idea of men´s dominant role. There´s still much to be done, helping the movement to get it as soon as possible.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
Yes, I've always tried to embrace justice and equality of rights for all people, and not relating to their gender or any other consideration.
26/01/2021 17:11
By David - 60yo from United Kingdom
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
So many reasons! Feminism is about fairness for all regardless of sex and gender. No-one would say opposing other injustices is nothing to do with a group unaffected by them. I don’t know anyone who has faced the death penalty - is that nothing to do with me?! Also, true gender equality cannot be achieved unless we ALL play our part. And all men have relationships with specific women - as family members, colleagues and friends. If you care about them, feminism is clearly relevant.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Feminism supports women to fulfil their potential - and this is good for men too. There are so many examples- from female scientists and engineers, to female politicians and authors. Feminism is also directly beneficial for men because it challenges gender stereotypes that limit men and boys too. And feminism promotes equal and rich relationships between men and women, and between men and men.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I had to learn about it, and I am still learning. But it started early! I was very aware, even as a teenager, that gender roles were very restrictive for just about everyone - and that men often benefitted from this more than women. Many things have helped me to deepen my awareness of feminism - talking to women and men, witnessing gender unfairness, and seeing women and men challenge it, books, films. No one thing - being open to change has been key.
26/01/2021 13:59
By Nils - 40yo from Germany
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
It is relevant for the whole society. Men still want to be a part of that, right? ;) Even if men don't get how it might benefit them, they should understand how it can benefit their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters...
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Why should men be solely responsible for "feeding" the family? How much pressure is that? Why shouldn't men be able to spend more time with their families? You wanted kids right, why not spend some time with them? The list goes on and on...we are not living in the 50s anymore. Change is possible, if men demand it from their peers and their workplaces.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
Actually my believe was that Feminism as a word is kinda "by women, for women" and it just feels weird to call yourself a feminist as a man. But even that should not prevent anyone from being an ally to this movement, because it's simple the right thing to do. Therefore I guess a website like this is actually pretty insightful and of course: why should men not be active feminists?