As you answered NO or NOT SURE… there are understandable reasons for that (you might think it is a women’s movement by and for women, you might think feminism is no longer needed nowadays, you might feel feminism paints men as the enemy, you might not know “how to” be a feminist man or other reasons).
And here is the other side of the argument.
Check out why men like you think Feminism is for men too and make up your own mind!
Do you accept the challenge? Just scroll down….
19/10/2021 13:14
By Elliot - 46yo from France
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Feminism is everything about ensuring attitudes to any gender are equal, and that opportunities in life and society are equal regardless of gender. By embracing Feminism, all men can be active players in bringing everyone's talents, gifts and qualities to bear in society, men and women alike. Only then will the world truly benefit from what humanity can achieve. By artificially placing barriers of any kind in front of women, men are doing themselves and society as a whole, a huge disservice by cutting off at least 50% of the opportunities for advancement and improved quality of society.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Men have, for too long, been pigeonholed by archaic systems, believing that there is only one way to be a "man" and to be successful and happy. This limiting and often toxic discourse has led men to think that keeping women down in any way, keeps men strong and at the top of the tree. In reality we see emotionally stunted males who are unable to even express themselves properly, high rates of male suicide, depression and feeling of being a failure if they have not managed to fulfil a specific type of stereotype. By embracing feminism, men are freed from all of this and can live their true selves while relieving so much unnecessary pressure. Quite simply, feminism liberates men from limiting stereotypes and allows them to be full partners with women in the betterment of society, hence improving men's fulfillment significantly. What more could anyone ask??
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
Yes, I have always been a natural feminist, even without having understood what the term truly meant.
I have since my youth, never understood why just by being born, you are automatically consigned to a certain role, or limiting experience of life. For me, women have such astonishing innate qualities that by being equal with men, can achieve amazing things in the world. Gender should be irrelevant, it's people's qualities, talents and actions that should count in anything. I have never even had to think about it - feminism is actually the only way to ensure a great world to live in! We've already seen the results of the patriarchal system, it simply doesn't work. Let's change things!!
Are you a (pro-)feminist man? Together, let's increase visibility for why Feminism is for men too!
Share your perspective
and speak to your fellow men.
30/09/2021 21:19
By Josh from United Kingdom
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Because when women do well we all do well! As I understand it, feminism is about equality for all genders, and so much of the resistance against accepting and endorsing it comes from men who either don't or are unwilling to understand that. Sexism is ingrained in so much of historical and modern society, both in terms of the obstacles that there are against women to receive the same equality of opportunities as men enjoy, to expectations for men to behave a certain very limited way. None of this is healthy and none of this is right. Feminism needs men to be compassionate, attentive and proactive allies, willing to de-centre themselves, recognise their place and responsibility, and listen to what they can do to help.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
As above, everybody only stands to benefit when women are treated equally and are able to access the same opportunities and live as they want without judgement or objectification. It liberates men from a narrow-minded, self-destructive, self-defeating understanding of what masculinity means or can be, and opens up new identities leading us away from the kind of assumptions underlying toxic masculinity, which render us posturing, emotionally stunted, insecure boys. Feminism helps us empathise with women and with other men, discover our true worth and foster our capacity for real emotional growth.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I have always tried to see myself as someone respecting women, and took pride in not practicing the same out and out misogyny of many people around me growing up. However, the more I reflect on myself and my past, I recognise how shallow and inadequate my words have been and how narrow my understanding of the experience of women really is. I am lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful women and men willing to share and show patience with me, and I hope I never stop learning to be better.
27/09/2021 13:50
By John from Australia
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
It challenges the patriarchy and allows men to think about equality and respect. It shows men a different way to challenge without turning to violent behaviour.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Feminism is a way for men to think more about respect for women and children.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I have always been a feminist and challenged all types of negative behaviour. Including racism, sexism and all forms of violence towards women and children.
20/09/2021 17:33
By Emediong - 29yo from Nigeria
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Feminism is important to strike the socio-economic and political balance we need to create a safer world. My latest article also highlights what countries stand to benefit if they successfully mainstream gender into their economic recovery and growth plan in the post Covid19 era.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Feminism opens us up to the dynamics of life. Being able to see through the mind of a woman shapes your decision and view about life.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I have always embraced Feminism
09/09/2021 17:17
By Malulu - 38yo from South Africa
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
The voice of men in the fight for the equality of women through the establishment of their fundamental rights is key to us realising our authentic masculinity.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Men become better men when they contribute to social endeavours that build their capacity for altruism.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
No. The increasing scourge of gender based violence.