As you answered NO or NOT SURE… there are understandable reasons for that (you might think it is a women’s movement by and for women, you might think feminism is no longer needed nowadays, you might feel feminism paints men as the enemy, you might not know “how to” be a feminist man or other reasons).
And here is the other side of the argument.
Check out why men like you think Feminism is for men too and make up your own mind!
Do you accept the challenge? Just scroll down….
As you answered YES… are you willing to share your views and make an entry below?
The aim of this website is to make male (pro-) feminist voices visible and unite them in one place in order to offer all men a male perspective on feminism.
Please help us destigmatise the "F"-word for men ;-)!
Take part and feel free to check out your peers’ views below!
Total Entries: 71
29/06/2021 16:36
By James - 56yo from United States
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
We all love together and if we don’t treat each other as equals, completely and fully, we are being much less than we can be as a species.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
Stronger women make better women which means they are better people and better people in the world benefits everyone. By supporting each other we all benefit.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I’m not sure but I think so. I was raised by a single and strong mother who embedded in me that women can do everything men can and are equals. So, from an early age I believe it was already a natural thing for me. It wasn’t, as far as I know, a cognitive decision on my part.
Are you a (pro-)feminist man? Together, let's increase visibility for why Feminism is for men too!
Share your perspective
and speak to your fellow men.
27/06/2021 14:21
By Unai - 26yo from Spain
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Gender equality benefits both women and men. The way us men have been socialized makes us hurt ourselves and others, the hegemonic toxic masculinity and a peaceful and happy society are not compatible.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
It gives us the opportunity to connect with caring as a value, being aware of how what happens in society affects women and men unequally. It offers us the opportunity to generate more egalitarian attitudes and behaviors with ourselves and the people around us.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I haven't, it didn't happen until some very close women called me out, encouraging me to start my journey towards developing an identity based on egalitarian values and actions. I will always give them the credits.
22/06/2021 13:19
By Tony Porter from United States
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Gender inequality is holding our society back. Gender equality will advance it. There is an incredible amount of data that correlates gender equality with a stronger economy and significantly improved health and well-being of society.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
At A Call to Men, we are working to create a world where all men and boys are loving and respectful and all women, girls, and those at the margins of the margins are valued and safe. We coined the term the Man Box to illustrate how men are collectively socialized. The teachings of the Man Box tell men what they are supposed to believe and how they are supposed to act. In the Man Box, men are supposed to be powerful and dominating, fearless and in control, strong and emotionless, and successful. And women are objects, the property of men, and have less value than men. The teachings of the Man Box allow gender-based violence and discrimination - inequality and inequity in our society - to persist. Breaking out of the Man Box is key to achieving an equitable society. Only then will we experience collective liberation.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I was doing anti-racism work when some very wise women approached me about also considering how I could be anti-sexist. They set me on this path and helped me understand the intersections of oppression. To this day, A Call to Men does this work with an intersectional approach. When we center our attention and efforts on those “at the margins of the margins” who are experiencing multiple forms of oppression, all will benefit. This philosophy holds true for any anti-oppression work, whether it be sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, or ageism.
21/06/2021 17:45
By Adam - 58yo from United States
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
Because it helps us understand how the patriarchy oppresses us all, men and women alike, and that Feminism is a lens through which we can becomes agents for change.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
We become better partners and allies to women and better men by understanding what we have suppressed in ourselves and how Feminism can free us from the restrictions and restraints place upon us by modern masculinity.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
Yes. My mom was a feminist and raised me and my brother to see that being a Feminist was not what we were seeing in the mainstream media in the 70s.
20/06/2021 20:53
By Jamie - 38yo from United Kingdom
1. Why is Feminism relevant to men?
It's relevant because it we all come women. To rally against female attributes and people is to rally against part of who we all our. Feminism also creates equality and honesty in society.
2. How does Feminism benefit men?
It benefits men because it gives another perspective. We live in a society largely defined by male decisions. Maybe now is the time for more compromise.
3. Have you always embraced Feminism? If not, what changed your mind?
I think so but more since my best friend is my wife and I now have a daughter.